Wednesday, May 23, 2007

专家提醒心血管病患者需警惕动脉瘤 The expert reminds that the sufferer of cardiovascular disease needs to watch out for an aneurysm




The expert reminds that the sufferer of cardiovascular disease needs to watch out for an aneurysm

59-year-old suddenly serious stomachache of Wei Sir, the check discovered longus inside the pneumoperitoneum an ilia aneurysm, and increase a fist size within two days, have the possibility of "explosion" at any time.Yesterday, sufferer after Wuhan center hospital had an operation to cut off, smooth hospital discharge.The expert remind that have the person of hypertension, arteriosclerosis history the time pays attention to the occurrence of aneurysm.

The Wei Sir bursts upon a right abdomen pain before the semilunar, , he thinks to be an appendicitis, the anti- ingluvitis treat all right.But the doctor discover after check, Wei Sir's right abdomen department ilia iliac artery has a pulsation to wrap a piece, there is egg size around, but the normal ilia iliac artery only have thin thick little finger.Connect down the inside of time that two days don't go to, that aneurysm quickly increases to the fist size, be like a "time bomb" which has already got in to pour to account and have at any time the rupture greatly bleeds of possibility.The afferent surgery of the city center hospital in Wuhan carried on surgical operation for it.

That afferent surgery vice- director's doctor He2 Tao in the hospital introduce, the ilia aneurysm rupture is a kind of very dangerous disease in the clinical top, vesication disease nasty, the condition evolves quickly and the death rate is very high.Expert reminds that the familiar cause of disease of ilia aneurysm is an asterosclerosis, the infection, external injury can also cause.The sufferer who there is the history of long-term cerebral arteriosclerosis disease of the hypertension, cardiac loop, should periodically carry on an outside turnover vascular check, early discover legs arteriosclerosis and the occurrence of the aneurysm.

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